Time passes and the pendulum

Time passes and the pendulum

 Time passes and the pendulum of taste swings. In the mid-20th century, Paul Valéry, T.S. Eliot, and Yvor Winters would attack what the latter called “the fallacy of expressive form,” but this is itself a fallacy. All form in literature is expressive. All expression has its own form, even when the form is a deliberate quest of formlessness. (The automatic writing cultivated by the surrealists, for instance, suffers from the excessive formalism of the unconscious mind and is far more stereotyped than the poetry of the Neoclassicist Alexander Pope.) Form simply refers to organization, and critics who attack form do not seem always to remember that a writer organizes more than words. He organizes experience. Thus, his organization stretches far back in his mental process. Form is the other face of content, the outward, visible sign of inner spiritual reality.

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ผู้ตั้งกระทู้ Gazelle (gongkit456-at-yahoo-dot-com) :: วันที่ลงประกาศ 2021-09-15 17:11:24

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